TrimTabs Reaches Key Milestone in Carbon Nanotube Production

Alvin Orbek White
July 2, 2024

TrimTabs Reaches Key Milestone in Carbon Nanotube Production

TrimTabs Reaches Key Milestone in Carbon Nanotube Production

TrimTabs Limited (“TrimTabs”), a South Wales technology pioneer developing novel approaches to the low-cost, sustainable production of carbon nanotubes (“CNTs”), is delighted to announce that it has reached a key milestone for its new bespoke production unit as the function testing of the carbon nanotubes production unit has been completed by Engsolve and the production unit is handed over to TrimTabs for commissioning trials.

A recently awarded ‘SMART Capital Equipment Fund’ grant from the Welsh Government contributed to funding the purchase of this first production unit. TrimTabs partnered with Engsolve Ltd, a specialist engineering company based in Bridgend, to undertake the design and build of the new production unit. This keeps this world-leading technology located in Wales, reflecting the burgeoning green-tech and deep-tech expertise in the region, established around Swansea University - globally recognized for its excellence in engineering sciences.

First-class environmental credentials are fundamental to the TrimTabs process, which operates on a circular economic basis by upcycling waste plastic and hydrocarbons into a higher-value product and with plans for an internal recirculation system that further minimizes carbon emissions.

Based on their very high strength (100 times greater than steel), ultra-lightness of weight, high heat transfer coefficient (10 to 100 times that of metals), and ability to conduct and transmit electricity super efficiently (1000 times more conductive than copper), high-quality carbon nanotubes have multiple market applications within the battery, supercapacitor, fuel cell, concrete, composites, electricity transmission, and superconductor industries.

The most immediate opportunity lies with the battery industry, for which carbon nanotubes, having conductivity orders of magnitude greater than other materials and very low weight, stand out as a breakthrough material enabling present and future batteries to have greater power output and energy storage capacity, longer lifetime, reduced charging time and better recyclability.

The new state-of-the-art production unit is the final step in commercializing TrimTabs' patented production system. Once operational, it will support the production of low-cost, highly specific carbon nanotubes at close to commercial scale and facilitate running the process with many different waste feedstocks. A single TrimTabs unit typically uses only 15 kW of electrical energy to heat and catalytically convert waste plastic into carbon nanotubes, which is equivalent to boiling just five kettles of water. With this power, a unit can, for example, make enough nanotubes for use in hundreds of batteries.

The new production unit will be the transition phase leading to the construction and implementation of fully commercial micro-factory units. These units are the size of just two shipping containers and can be easily located within customers’ manufacturing facilities. They can be monitored and controlled using remote mobile detection equipment.

Commenting on this news, Professor Alvin Orbaek White, CEO of TrimTabs added:

“The Welsh Government grant has enabled a major strategic advancement in our company's technological capabilities by helping fund this bespoke production unit. This advancement will serve as a catalyst for expanding our product development capabilities and reaching customers both nationally and internationally.

“I am also delighted to be teaming up with fellow Welsh company Engsolve for the design and build of this important production unit, which will be a key step in growing the business into a thriving and sustainable company, creating new high-skilled jobs and helping further develop the rapidly expanding green and deep-tech engineering economy in South Wales.”

Spearheading the production systems development for TrimTabs, David Ryan added:

“Engsolve have successfully tested all the equipment so with this handover the TrimTabs team will start trialing the unit – a series of planned tests that allow us to map the thermodynamic conditions of the manufacturing unit ready for carbon nanotube production. I would like to take this opportunity to thank both Engsolve and my team for their hard work through equipment design, manufacture, and testing. This is a significant step towards demonstrating to customers the elegance, efficiency, and ease of use of our proprietary technology for the manufacture of bespoke carbon nanotubes from waste plastic.”

Welsh Government Economy, Energy, and Welsh Language Cabinet Secretary, Jeremy Miles said:

“The technology TrimTabs has created is a great example of the world-leading innovation that is being developed and commercialized in South Wales and I will be keeping a keen eye on their progress as the production unit gets up and running.

“Innovation and the green economy go hand in hand and it’s fantastic to see the Welsh Government’s SMART capital equipment grant programme supporting pioneering products and businesses in this way, ensuring immediate opportunities as well as future solutions are harnessed here in Wales. Our transition into a highly successful and desirable hub for green and hi-tech businesses, ideas, and innovation is well underway – good news for our economy, our environment, and our communities."


For further information contact:

TrimTabs limited

Dr. Alvin Orbaek White
T: +44795 8611796

IKON Associates (Public and Media relations)

Adrian Shaw
T: +44797 9900733

Notes for editors:

About TrimTabs

  • TrimTabs is a Greentech and Deeptech company based in Bridgend, Wales. It uses a patented process to produce high-quality bespoke carbon nanotubes from solvents and plastic waste. This innovative solution reduces the cost per gram of nanotube materials while ensuring large-scale production to meet growing market demand.
  • The company was founded in 2019 by Professor Alvin Orbaek White, an Honorary Associate Professor at Swansea University, where he worked with Professor Andrew Barron, the Sêr Cymru Chair of Low Carbon Energy and Environment. Both Professor Orbaek White and Professor Barron are world-leading experts in the field of carbon nanotubes. Professor Orbaek White is CEO, and Professor Barron is a director and strategic advisor to TrimTabs.
  • Carbon nanotubes have multiple benefits over many alternative materials:
    • Highly conductive – e.g. 1000x greater current carrying capacity than copper
    • Lightweight – e.g. six times lighter than copper
    • One of the strongest materials in the world
    • Very high heat transfer coefficient, 10 to 100 times better than metals
    • Long lifetime as it does not oxidize
    • Non-flammable
    • It is a carbon sink.
  • Feedstocks for the TrimTabs process comprise over 200 types of hydrocarbon, including waste plastics, solvents, reagents, and cleaning fluids.
  • Multiple applications include the following markets:
    • Batteries
    • Fuel cells
    • Concrete
    • EMI shielding
    • Composites
    • Steel
    • Semiconductors, superconductors, and electronics
    • Power transmission

About Engsolve

  • Engsolve is a multi-disciplined engineering consultancy, that helps answer the industry’s most arduous of problems. Delivering engineering design and support, cost estimating and control, project management, or safety risk assessments. We are dedicated to delivering engineering solutions that cater to our clients, whether they are transitioning from high carbon and waste processes or are pioneers of emerging technologies offering solutions to today’s environmental challenges.
  • Engsolve’s involvement in renewable energy developments and cutting-edge new technologies aids its clients in their pursuit of a circular economy future. This commitment leads to brighter and more sustainable outcomes for the client’s business.

About - SMART Flexible Innovation Support (FIS)

  • The Welsh Government is committed to building a stronger, fairer, greener Wales, based on the principles of fair work, sustainability, and the industries and services of the future. This includes supporting demand-driven Research, Development, and Innovation in Wales, and facilitating effective collaborations which drive prosperity and deliver real benefits for Wales’ people and its environment.
  • Our cross-Government Economic Mission and innovation strategy Wales Innovates have built stronger foundations for growth, supercharging the industries of the future, and empowering Wales’ regions at their hearts. We support organizations to innovate and introduce new products and services, to trade with the UK and the rest of the world, to improve our skills base, and to ensure that Wales remains competitive in the fourth industrial age. We are also working to enable more Welsh organizations to become carbon-light or carbon-free.
  • Through SMART FIS, the Welsh Government helps to create jobs and improve people’s lives by driving cutting-edge research and innovation. SMART FIS is a unique Welsh Government scheme with the single aim of helping Welsh organizations achieve “Innovation Excellence” by supporting their Innovation Plans with the Welsh Government team of Specialists, access to expertise, consultants, and funding.
  • For more information on how Welsh Government innovation support can benefit your organization, call 03000 6 03000, or visit Innovation | Innovation (